6 Money Tips For College Students
The first year of college can be tricky: you’ll be adapting to so many new things, like living on your own, setting your own schedule, meeting new people and managing your own finances.
MCCU Partners With Ronald McDonald House Northland
MCCU staff recently toured Minnesota’s fifth and newest Ronald McDonald House, which opened its doors in downtown Duluth earlier this year and was funded in part by a donation from MCCU.
Child Tax Credit
The U.S. government has expanded the child tax credit for 2021 as part of the American Rescue Plan Act. At MCCU, we want to help you understand these changes and the ways they could affect your family.
National Telephone Day
As an innovative financial institute we embrace the evolution of our telephone and all of its capabilities. We are constantly updating our tools and options to make banking with MCCU that much easier.
Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day with our five priceless ways you can honor our planet, not only on April 22 buy every day of the year.
Spring Savings Tips
Spring is the perfect time to spring clean your finances and save, with our 10 spring savings tips.
6 Money Habits for College Students
To start students on the right path to financial success, here are six money habits for college students.
MCCU Donates Former Sandstone Property to the City of Sandstone
MCCU is helping pave the way for a new city park in Sandstone after donating commercial property to the City of Sandstone
Snowbird Banking
Coordinating your winter travel plans can be chaotic. At MCCU, we make it easier for you! Simply follow this checklist before you set flight to your winter paradise, and we’ll take care of the rest.
MCCU Donates to the Duluth Children’s Museum
The Duluth Children’s Museum has reached their latest fundraising goal of $25,000 thanks to support from individual donors and a $12,000 donation from MCCU.